

目前显示的是 一月, 2006的博文

home sweet home

sun rises clouds open arise the noise gently, i close the door pass the gate get on bus coach station arrived gently, i pull my bag horn, horn, horn take him on the way take me to my home gently, the engine untie his bootstrap seems familar, seems strange everything unchanged the family, and my sweet room gently, i hop to bed o-same-o-same-o i am back... miss you so much oh, home sweet home

crystal prelude

I hope everyone can enjoy this wonderful melody. This prelude was perhaps the earliest crystal prelude in final fantasy series, and I believed it had been developed to full form in ff7.This crystal prelude was purely played by one piano and was exported from the score.

about the language

Language is how we express ourselves. - Lippman These words appear in C# Primer, Lippman use it as his opinion about the choice of programming language. No language is definitely better than other one, there are reasons for their existance. We choose our favorite programming language not based on the ranking but the suitability. And language is just a tool we express ourselves in the end. I believe this meaning is not limited to the area of programming. Extending to the language we used in real life, no matter English or Chinese, they are just tools. I like English without any hesitation, but I hate exams. I like reading beautiful words, say it "art of words", but I hate spoon-feed. I like enjoying the world of words in daily life, but I hate studying on demand. Whatever you like, say it.

semester ended

I probably leave school at 21st, Jan. This semester has ended several days before, but till now my work. Chapter 3 of 'operation system concepts' has been finished today, and it's also an ending of overview section. I mark it as a milestone. This semester is not a common one. I have too many words to say, but as people always says that you can hardly say anything when you have too much want to say. I find my love here, I find my job here, and... I begin to establish my blog here. I hope guagua will find her job in 2006, we all pass the graduation and find our appropriate position at our company. Finally, happy spring festival to everyone I know, I care, and I love. Year 2006 will be an great year for us, Let's Rock'n'Roll.

YUV Sampling Format and Video Format

Figure below shows three sampling patterns for Y, Cb and Cr. 4:4:4 sampling means that the three components (Y, Cb and Cr) have the same resolution, i.e. each pixel contains three components. In 4:2:2 sampling, the chrominance components have the same vertical resolution as luma but half the horizontal resolution. 4:2:0 is a popular sampling format, chrominance components have half the horizontal and vertical resolution of luma. The term "4:2:0" is rather confusing because the numbers do not actually have a logical interpretation and appear to have been chosen historically as a 'code' to identify this particular sampling pattern. 4:2:0 sampling is widely used for consumer applications such as video conferencing, DVD storage. 4:2:0 sampling is sometimes described as '12 bits per pixel'. Using 4:4:4 sampling a total of 12 samples are required for four pixels, requiring a total of 12x8=96bits, an average of 96/4=24 bits per pixel. While in 4:2:0 s

the King Kong

A giant orang loves a woman? Yes, it happened in King Kong - the movie. To be frankly, i really love this big guy. He is smart, strong, and a little narrowness. When he saw his jewel was taken by another man, watch his face, oh man, so lovely! Sad ending, may be irritating, but unforgettable. Let's remember the scene he protecting what he loves, fighting against what he hates, and the bravery he persisting at last.

Anne Murray - The Best ... So Far

Album: The Best ... So Far Artist: Anne Murray Region: Canada Language: English Release: Nov, 29, 1994 Information from VeryCD: 安妮•莫莉(Anne Murray)1946年6月20日出生于加拿大的新斯科舍的一个医生家庭。 Anne从小就受到当地颇有名望的音乐人士的启蒙教育,她常自弹自唱,并以此为乐。 尽管如此,她还是认为音乐只是一项娱乐。 直到1964年的某一天,有人劝她去听一下一个电视专栏节目“Sing Along Jubilee”, 而Anne却选择另一档节目“Let's Go”来欣赏,这个由 Bill Langstroth(她后来的丈夫)主持的节目深深吸引了她,使她走上了以音乐为伴的人生之路. Anne走的是民谣摇滚的路线,她将节奏与布鲁斯和主流流行乐的风格兼容并蓄在自己的歌曲中。1968年,由 Arc唱片公司出版的《What About Me》引起Capital 唱片公司的极大兴趣,他们立即将Anne作为长期签约歌手纳入门下, 且推出了Anne唱片《This Was My May》,它凭借优美的曲调和动人演绎闯入Billboard Top 10,接着Anne又推出了《Talk It Over In The Morning》,也取得不错的成绩。1973年 Anne 又与Kenny Loggers 联袂演绎的 Danny 作品《Nobody Loves Me Like You Do》,获得了巨大成功,稳入排行榜前列。1978年Anne又凭藉《You Needed Me》荣获了葛莱美奖。 当《Daydream Believer》 又一次叱咤流行乐坛时,Anne的歌唱实力得到充分的证明。接着《He Thinks I Still Care》、《Just Another Woman In Love》 和 《Could I Have This Dance》的陆续推出,又使Anne流行于欧美乐坛. 除了对音乐的热爱之外,Anne还有着一份慈爱之心,她多次将版权收入赠送给加拿大儿童慈善基金会。1989年Springhill's Anne Murray Center正式开放,以此感谢她为慈善事业作出的贡献。

half empty, half full

People see things with different attitude. Give you a cup filled with half water, what will you describe it as? Say it is half empty, or half full? Both choice indicate our attitude to things. A common saying is that: the choice of half empty indicates pessimism, while the choice of half full, optimism. Everyone may be dissatisfied with themselves, includes me. I'm too susceptible to things. Internship, cancelled, for some reasons. Both internal I can't conquer myself, and external I can't revolt. I feel sorry for those who want to know more about pse. But, can I be more positive? Why see everything bad instead of good? Fortunately, there is one who always supports me, give me courage and strength. What should I expect when I am so lucky? No, I can't expect more, if there is any, should be my problem, maybe I extravagantly require too much. No things in life can go easily, let's face it together.

as long as you are here

miss you so much care you so much you are my precious as long as you are here wherever we are and whatever happens let me pave the way as long as you are here as long as you are here as long as by my side

internship, decided

SPSE provids internship to me today. The decision is not so easy to make, I have several considerations. The first is the master paper. Though I have done some preliminary experiments for the paper report, but still require much time to understand the JM code, current research trends and represent my opinion, then implement it. But if I go, insufficient time. It's a challenge. The second is inconveniency when I need go back to school. Things in May and June will undoutedly drive me travelling back and forth. But still there are some advantages: it is more convenient for my girlfriend if I will be there, she will have a shelter in this strange city in the times looking for a job. Besides, I will have the opportunity to be familar with the environment I will join, accommodate myself to the new environment, both phisical and social. I'm really looking forward to it. I have read an article written by Kaifu.Lee, titled "right of choice". Impressive! I r

RGB and YCbCr Color Space

In brief, color space is a model representing color information, and there are many color spaces. RGB color space is more familiar to us. These are the three additive primary colors of light, any color may be reproduced by combining varying proportions of red, green and blue light. Because the three components have roughly equal importance to the final color, RGB system usually represents each component with the same precision (same number of bits). However, RGB is not necessarily the most efficient representation of color. The human visual system is less sensitive to color than to luminance (brightness), but RGB color space does not provide an easy way to take advantage of this since each component is equally important, and the luminance is present in all three color components. It is possible to represent a color image more efficiently by separating the luminance from the color information. Here comes the YCbCr color space. Y represents luminance component (i.e. brightne

Bread from the sky?

I received a new letter from spse, it's about some adjustment of salary, probation package is removed and directly calculated in the monthly salary as soon as we start our job. Is it bread from the sky? Or the surprise in the new year? Anyway, I like it. Anything different is good :)

cold and wet

The weather is not well, cold and rainy. In front of the computer, wondering what can I do now. The chapter 4 - computer archetecture - is not so easy understand. But after this chapter will be the content of optimization, seems interesting, and maybe usable for my paper. The year will be end soon, everyone has determined their departure day and soon will leave school one by one. I have to wait my best love return from Beijing, and expect the days we reunite. Happy new year to everybody, new year should be a new start point, wish myself will done well in the SPSE.