

目前显示的是 三月, 2006的博文

Google 火星发布了[ZZ]

一直以来,生活在地球上的我们就对火星有着无限的遐想。从 19 世纪美国著名天文学家罗威尔 (Percival Lowell)绘制的火星表面图,到无数描述火星的书籍和电影,人类在千年里一直关注研究着我们这个太阳系里的近邻,对它充满着幻想。 经过和美国国家航空航天局(NASA)学者 Noel Gorelick、亚里桑那州立大学 (Arizona State University) 的 Michael Weiss-Malik 的共同合作努力,我们把 Google 地图技术和到目前为止一些最详尽的火星表面资料图整合了起来。 今天,为了纪念天文学家罗威尔(Percival Lowell)的诞辰,我们非常高兴的宣布 Google Mars (Google 火星) 正式发布了。你可以用三种不同的方式来浏览这个红色星球: 1)火星的高低立视图(elevation map),我们用不同颜色标注了上面的山峰 (peak) 和峡谷 (valley);2)一个实际视觉图 (visible-imagery map),显示你的肉眼能够真实看到的东西;3)一个红外视觉图 (infrared-imagery map),让你看到肉眼可能遗漏的地方。 纪念天文学家罗威尔(Percival Lowell)的诞辰(1855年3月13日~1916年11月16日)

Open Office

终于,忍受不了word的折磨,弃暗投明了。Open Office给我的第一印象就是快!打开大型doc文档比Word还快,oo还是基于java的,今天,它改变了我长久以来的一个偏见:java程序奇慢无比。 首先就要搞定参考文献的功能,不错,可以定制的东西太多了,也可以换句话说,要想排好有点复杂,没有现成的模板,你只需输入所需的Field,然后在Bibliography的Table of Content里更改格式,一旦设定好了,那更新的速度真是叫快啊!文献的排序还可以不按出现顺序来排,最多可以设定三个字段。 再一个想说的就是公式的输入。公式的确不如WYSIWYG那么容易,很多符号、运算符要手动输入,虽然有些内容像latex,但与latex又有所不同。如果用熟了,那效率一定会比用那些公式编辑器来得快,好比2/3这样的简单式子,只需要敲入2 over 3就行了,省去不少鼠标操作。 另一点是可以导出为PDF格式,速度很快。对于相同文件内容而言,open office的文件大小要小于word产生的,也许这些开源软件都继承了那种优良的KISS思想:keep it simple simple is good, let's keep things simple.

biblioscape, endnote, no, none of them

endnote在与word2003搭配时经常占据严重的CPU,非常不好用。今天听说biblioscape好,下之,唉,高兴的日子总是那么短暂,BUG一堆。它只支持rtf格式的转换,在word里format时,还要转为rtf格式后再转回来。甚至在重复转换过程中也产生了不一致,可能它在RTF和DOC之间的转换没有那么精确吧。好想用latex排,不过时间紧迫,现在懒得去学了。 都不用了,还是手工输入参考文献罢了。也许,open office?下一个先。

feel sorry

Not at a state recently, I feel sorry to you. If there is any should be angry, that's you, not me. Over reacted to small things, and make you depress. My fault, criticize myself everyday, for everything. Why! Why I always do those stupid things! You are the one loves me, you are the one cares me, you are the one has open heart, and you are the one never blames me! God! What happened to me! Please, please give me time, innocence must be paid. We gonna be happy! Yes, we can. See it?

GRUB Error 17

Linux进不去了,grub引导出错,提示stage 1.5 Error:17 搜了一下,关于该错误的解释是:Cannot mount selected partition. This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB. 因为grub装在了/boot分区的头部,没装在MBR,重装windows应该是不会影响的,网上关于该错误的修复基本上是针对red hat的,而我用的是suse linux,还好,suse提供的修复比red hat更好用。重装grub就好了,仍装在/boot区,用ntldr引导。 每次出问题时,fstab内容会有变更,但我未修改过,是BUG?配置grub时,有一选项,是防止碎片整理移动bootloader的,的确做过C盘的碎片整理,但如何影响到hda2就不得而知了,在有结论之前,还是不要整理吧。

bad news

最近出现一些PSE的负面消息,昨晚听后心情很不平静,但细细一想,任何人都只是站在它的立场上,从自身的角度阐述问题。为什么我们对待坏消息和好消息的态度要不同? 真相,不会是来自一个人的片面之辞,也许本来就没有真相,有的只是人与环境的适应。

foobar2000 v0.9 candidate released

After a long time waiting, foobar2000 v9.0 go into beta stage, and after a long time beta testing, till the day - 5th, March - this candidate version has been released for public testing. foobar2000 is a powerful music player supporting many audio formats and providing better audio quality than other common players whilst having the lowest memory consumption and highest performance. This public beta can be downloaded from the page: http://www.foobar2000.org/beta/

Personalized Google Home

Using your google account, you can create a personalized homepage. You can customize several modules, including various news, gmail, bookmarks. This service is similar to what http://www.netvibes.com/ provides. The drawback is the inconvenience of bookmark module. It doesn't provide grouping while netvibes provide tags to implement this. Wishing google will improve this defect in the near future. Meanwhile, the Live plan of Microsoft is also going on. MS presents several several servicies to counterattack google's counterparts. Virtual Earth (see http://preview.local.live.com ) is a recent service. It provides map service just like google earth, provides a virtual tour better than google. Imaging driving a car in the map and seeing everything real, maybe you can do a virtual europe tour now. Seems interesting. MS also provides a customized home, you can log into www.live.com via your msn accounts. I haven't tried that yet.

Mother is ill

Have you heard the music Goodbye's the Saddest Word? What a sad song. In the time the world has been filled with love songs of man and woman, if there are any who care the love of our parents. There're too many things volatile in life, do not regret at the very time you lost it. My mother is ill and is in hospital now, I hope she will recover soon.