Undoubtedly, I don't have prerequisite to join 8K group, so I do some unimportant job.
Man here are leisure, I need to keep dependency, just like the old times. Do anything assigned, and do it well.
I know I must have great potential, I need to explore it.
Feel like a fool this afternoon. When we three have a meeting, I can hardly understand what Menzer has said, listening is so bad...
Suddenly want to see movie "the river runs through it", it make me feel peace. Compared with wuhan, pirate discs are so hard to buy, sigh...
这两天明显感到天气转冷,呱呱的家里也已经下起了大雪,南京则是阴冷潮湿,让人没有了出行的欲望。没想到躲在被子里看反转剧也成了度过寒冬的一剂良药。在PPLive越来越让人失望的时候,PPStream横空出世,虽然广告仍是少不了的主题,但从视频质量和播放连续性上来说都超过PPLive,实为居家必备之良品(由此可见,新事物一定会战胜旧事物......)。韩国的反转剧最近似乎比较流行,称之为反转剧就在于其结果总是让人出乎意料,不合常理,其间又不乏各种搞怪搞笑的镜头,各种当红帅哥美女也一定让DDMM们爱不释手,20~30分钟一集的剧情一改韩剧拖沓的风貌,想看就看,容易切入。 反转剧,今天你看了吗?